Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I'm back!

I had high hopes on this blog site to get out my ideas, even if no one came to read it. At least my thoughts and insites would be out there. As you can see, I haven't written since February of last year. A lot has happened in the past 3/4ths of the year. Being part of the Tea Party has become almost a common term used for describing a conservative. The party has since gained popularity of up to 40% of Americans agreeing with their “ideals”. Unfortunately this is a double edged sword. It does describe the conservative ideals like smaller government, lower taxes, personal freedoms and liberties but not all republicans follow that same foundation. Even further they may preach that they do but their actions show very differently. With all that being said it seems, after the current mid term elections where the republicans gained the House of Reps, that many Republicans are attributing a good part of their wins to the Tea Party. We’ll see.